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Hey - For submitting the contact me form you were automatically sent an email with my FREE GIFT I'm offering. I love giving out surprise FREES! Check your inbox from Janette Henning!
My hearts desire is to guide you into experiencing a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ; the One who knows you intimately, loves you relentlessly, and pursues your heart with full abandonment. The God of a trillion galaxies has called you by name; He has an eternal purpose planned for you and a destiny that will fulfill your wildest dreams. Dreams you didn’t even know you had. He is knowable, He is available, and He has told us that He came to give us an abundant life - so let's go for it!
This life that God gives us is a gift filled with adventures, joys, sorrows, disappointments and thrilling successes. Are you ready and willing for it all, big or small? Join me as we experience life together as authentic Christ Followers. I want you to know you are extraordinary - because you are!!! Believe it.
If you have any questions - JUST ASK! I'll do my best to answer you.