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Conversations With God


When Your World Falls Apart


Love, Joy & Hope . . . Through trials


Your Identity - Who does God say you are?


What the Bible says about Heaven


Melissa, If One Life . . . Chapter 1+




Not So Happy Mother's Day


The Prayer of a Grieving Mom


When the Unexpected Happens


Through the Storm and Through the Rain


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Prayer transports us out of our present reality into the presence of God. 


How amazing is that?  God, the Creator of the universe invites us into His presence where He exchanges our anxieties for His peace, our mourning for His Joy, our weakness for His strength and our pain for His comfort.  Let prayer change your life!  This guide will give you insights into entering God’s presence, listening to His voice, authentic praying and receiving answers and help in time of need. 


This Bible Study Workshop

based on The Lord's Prayer, shares

the life changing aspects of prayer.

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A 7 Day Devotional Bible Study to stir your faith and encourage you through trials. 


Do you struggle to have love, joy and hope in the midst of trials? We all do.  In this short study you will discover some of the Biblical principals that Melissa lived her life by and the WHO behind her love, joy & hope.   Each day has an entry from Melissa's journals, a short devotional, Scriptures to read, questions to ponder and journal prompts.




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See Yourself as God Sees You


There is power in knowing your God given identity.  When you are secure in who you are in Christ there is complete freedom to be yourself.  When you realize that you are God’s praiseworthy child, people’s perception of you fades in its importance.  Life takes on new meaning and direction when you see yourself as the daughter of the King, clothed in His majesty and equipped for greatness in His Kingdom.  He has gifts for you to discover and a destiny for you to fulfill.  Seize the day! 



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Melissa, If One Life . . . Free Chapter

It is my JOY to give you the first chapter of Melissa's book, Melissa, If One Life . . . plus a little more, including the introduction, A Word from Jeremy and a look into the second chapter.  CLICK the button below for your



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Here are four short Articles to help in hard times.


Not so Happy

Mother's Day

If you know a mother who has experienced the loss of a child don’t assume she is OK because time has passed - She is not OK!


How to reach out to the Brokenhearted.

Prayer of a Grieving Mom

A Prayer for a grieving mom to pray.  Sometimes we don't know what to say or how to pray. This will help.


"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

Matthew 5:4

When the Unexpected Happens

When the unexpected happens how do you respond? Or, to take it further when your dreams are dashed and there is no hope to fulfill the purpose you had imagined for your life, how do you respond?

Through the Storm and

Through the Rain

"A great wind and storm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, 'Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?'"


It is my goal to encourage, challenge and guide you on your extraordinary faith journey!  Plus add some FUN into the process.  Jesus spoke so our " JOY WOULD BE FULL"  I need JOY and so do you.  Life hurts too much to live without it.  Join me on the journey - sign up for our weekly Devo below!

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Sign me up!

Weekly Encouraging & Challenging Devotionals

in your inbox plus occasional updates and FREEBIES!

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Thank you to to everyone at WTA Media, iDisciple Publishing and Giving Company, especially president and CEO David Henriksen. We are eternally grateful for their love and commitment to getting Melissa's journals and life story published.  You're the BEST!








Thank you to all the people who made this very special movie, I Still Believe about Melissa and Jeremy. 

We are forever grateful to: Jeremy and Adrienne Camp, Jon Erwin, Andy Erwin, Kevin Downes, Bree Bailey, Britt Robertson, KJ Apa, Gary Sinise, Shania Twain, Melissa Roxburgh, Nathan Parsons, Tanya Christiansen, Reuben Dodd, Madeline Carroll, Jon Gunn and all those that put their heart into this film






I appreciate you & I'd love to hear your story! Share with me HERE!

"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory throgh our Lord Jesus Christ." 1Cor. 15:57

We are most thankful  to Jesus Christ, His great love for us, His free gift of salvation and the promise of HEAVEN!

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